We Are Open To Everyone and Would Love To Meet You
You are warmly welcome to come along to any of our Meetings without notice but if you have any questions or want to find out more beforehand, please contact us via the form at the bottom of the home page or click enquire now:
Monkseaton Friends Meeting House
Meeting House currently is closed awaiting redevelopment
Sunday Meetings for Worship are held in person each week at 11 am in
St. Andrews Church’s Minor Hall, Eastfield Avenue, NE25 8LU
Monkseaton Quakers is a Meeting of about twenty people, with usual attendance on Sundays of about ten. We meet for worship each Sunday between 11 am – 12 noon. Usually on the fourth Sunday we worship from 11 – 11.30 and then share in a Meeting for Worship for Business from 11.30 am – 12.30 pm.
Once a month on a Tuesday evening we meet between
7 – 8 pm on Zoom to discuss matters relating to faith.
For example, we have taken it in turns to talk about what has brought us to the Religious Society of Friend and what keeps us there, and something that we believe, as well sharing poetry and discussing disparate topics.
We are currently working hard to refurbish the Meeting House on Front Street. However, in the meantime we are delighted to be able to meet at St Andrews URC and are very grateful for the church’s kindness.
If you would like to join us sometime please feel free to do so or to get in touch.